вторник, 27 марта 2012 г.

Implantlogyca Dental Office Interiors by Antonio Sofan Architect in USA

Antonio Sofan Architect has designed the interior design for a dentist’s office in Arlington, Virginia. This is about showing the benefits of color therapy as a background for the special gear very careful of periodontics and implant surgery. It is also about articulating contrasts in such a way that color gives a positive disturbance to patients and visitors as they experience through the curved corner space. A volume features a triangle, encased with natural wool felt strips of different thickness and width, dictates the flow of 1800 square feet of office.
 Lined with bright yellow color to promote energy, acceptance and checkout is handled separately from the inside at the ends. From the entrance through the waiting room of patients walked into the reception counter before proceeding to treatment while the sign out there attracted the attention on the other side. Five square placed along the border benefit from urban and open views while allowing natural light to be filtered through colored glass laminate core to a lab and sterilization. Each operatory assigned a special color that will help support the vitality and produce a strong impact on patient health. Skilled color matching the material in each room releasing an interesting optical illusion as you walk in and out of the main corridor which features more muted whites and Grays. Beyond the “sharp” design aesthetic, clients expect an interior project that reflects the successful practice where innovation in the field of digital dentistry implantology and is being implemented. At the same time he envisioned a space that is also cultivated the office culture. The waiting room is clearly a hub for art which is carved a niche wall and lit to indicate installation artist Ruby Rumie about dental toothpaste tube printed with the silhouette of the workers in themarkets of Valparaiso in Chile. On the opposite side of the miniature paintings hang Pedro Ruiz aircraft leaving contrails of white smoke in the open blue sky.
Photographs: Todd Mason Halkin Photography

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